Bot Notifications – Veles Help Center

Bot Notifications

Cycle started.
Cycle finished.
Bot failed.
First order executed.
Last order executed.
Order executed.
Frequently asked questions.

Each notification contains information about the time of the event in the UTC time zone (this can not be configured currently).

The bot number (#b…) and the deal number (#d…) to which the notification relates are also indicated.

Cycle started.

The bot received an entry signal and placed orders (buy and sell orders) on the exchange. The deal may still be canceled at this stage if the “Pull up” will happen (that is, there will be many such messages in a row, without closing the deal).

After the deal is opened, the “Active Deal Card” opens on the page

Cycle finished.

The deal is completed with a Take Profit or Stop Loss. When a deal is cancelled (manually or automatically, by the Pull up), the bot does not send any notifications.

Bot failed.

If the bot stopped with an error, it will send a notification about it to the chat. The message will indicate which error occurred. After that, it is necessary to handle the situation – check the trading account on the exchange, the position, the orders of the bot, perform other actions to eliminate the error, and only then you can restart the bot. More information about bot errors and what to do with them please see in our article.

A bot stopped with an error does not run a deal any more (does not monitor a position or asset), so its deal card disappears from the list on the page

There will be a red stripe with the error text on the bot’s card on the main page.

First order executed.

The bot informs you about the execution of the first order in the deal. This means that the bot’s position on Futures is open or the asset on the Spot is bought/sold (depends on the type of bot).

Last order executed.

The bot informs you about the execution of the last order in the averaging grid. The situation requires monitoring – it may be necessary to take measures to avoid liquidation, or consider the need for additional averaging.

Order executed.

The bot informs about the execution of each of the grid (averaging) orders. If you also have notifications about the execution of the first and last orders enabled, it turns out that two different notifications will be sent for these orders at once.


Newsletters can be sent to your chat with the bot – both promotional offers and important security alerts. We recommend that you keep this option active.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is “#b…” and “#d…”?

These are the bot ID (its unique number) and the deal ID (unique deal number in our database). These numbers may be needed to contact Support (please copy as text and attach it to your request)

“Deal closed” Notification: what does it mean “Executed 2 out of 1 take profits”?

This means that both the Take Profit and the grid order were executed at the same time. Therefore, the bot needed to add another Take Profit to the deal.
This is a regular situation.

“Deal closed” Notification: why is it written “Profit”, but the result is negative?

Closing a trade with a market order (by the indicator signal or by Stop Loss at a break-even) can occur with aslippage – this is the nature of market orders, they have a reduced execution priority on the exchange. And if the price is moving sharply at this moment (this can be seen from the relatively long length of the candle where the closing took place), then in fact the execution price of the order may be far from desired, up to unprofitable.
To make this happen less often, do not use a low “Minimum PnL” when you close your deal by the indicator signal, and carefully select Multi-takes so that closing at a Stop Loss at breakeven by the average price does not occur too often.

“Deal closed” Notification: why does it say “Loss” in the deal on the Spot?

You need to look at the “Total” so that there is a positive value there.
The reason is the mechanics of trading on the Spot, the price step on the coin and exchange commissions.
Each coin has a volume step for making a deal, funds from USDT are taken to round to the required value (and this amount displayed as a negative).
Read more about exchange commissions in our article.

“Deal closed” Notification: why did a profit in coin and a loss in stablecoin appear in the Futures bot’s profit statement?

This happens when more than one bot was launched for one pair in one algorithm with the option “Include a position on the exchange in a deal”, but the lock was not configured.

It turns out that the bot bought 100 coins and put up for sale 100 coins, but meanwhile someone (either user manually, or another service, or another bot) closes part of the position.
There are 50 coins left in the position. When the order is executed, the exchange reports about it, but the bot compares: there was an order to close 100 coins, and 50 were closed as a result. In this case, the bot sends a report with a minus in USDT and a plus in coin.

You can determine what exactly interfered with the deal based on the trading history on your exchange.

“Order executed” Notification: what is the “Nominal”?

The nominal value is the value of the accumulated volume of coins, taking into account the leverage.
Nominal = Price * Number of coins

“Deal closed” Notification: why is the profit in the notification always greater than the result on the exchange?

The bot’s notifications show the Gross-result of the deal (profit before the exchange commission and funding are taken), and on the “Statistics” page on the website you can find the Net-result (profit after the exchange commission was taken, but funding not taken into account).

Both are not the final result, but an intermediate result, we need it to calculate the service commission.

The full result of trading should be viewed on the exchange in the section “Closed PnL”, the history of positions.
Or you can connect the Trader’s Diary application (there are several different ones). More information about this is written in our article.

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