Beware of scammers! – Veles Help Center

Beware of scammers!

In this article, we will show examples of schemes that scammers use to withdraw user funds.

1. The user transfers the funds to the scammers himself

The user finds himself in a channel where they discuss a bright offer – a raffle, a giveaway, cashback, and the like. The channel looks similar to the official Veles Community, there are users with the same avatars as in the official group. To participate in the drawing, “to confirm the wallet”, or “to activate” the winnings already accrued, you need to replenish some special wallet, bot, or the like. Sometimes they ask you to provide your wallet details or even a private key.

What to pay attention to:

  • You were added to this group without your knowledge. This is indicated by the inscription on the screen above “xxx invited you to this group.”
  • There is a “REPORT SPAM AND LEAVE” button at the top, just for such cases.
  • “It is forbidden to write in this group”, may say at the bottom. The group’s content is handled only by its fraudulent administrators, and your role is to read and believe. Even if you can write to the group, you will be immediately thrown out of it as soon as you write the truth.

How to protect yourself:

  • Ask for confirmation from the community (
  • Don’t believe the promises of easy money.
  • Check the profiles of the channels and personal accounts from which they write to you (so that there is no name like “Veles-Support”, “VelesSuport” instead of the real “VelesSupport”).
  • Set up a ban on adding to groups in your Telegram.
    Click on Settings -> Privacy -> Groups and Channels, select either “My Contacts” or “Nobody”.

2. Phishing

The user writes to the community chat on any topic. Very quickly, user receives direct message (!) from a contact very similar to “Veles Support” or “Veles Community EN”, and gets an invitation to an urgent “consultation with a specialist.”
The user receives a link to a “Google Meet” call – but it is fake, DO NOT USE IT, because your Google account data will go to scammers! Everything linked to this Google account will be at risk – exchanges, wallets, messengers, other mailboxes (where this mail is listed as a recovery address), and other services. Both a Financial password and Google Authenticator won’t save you.

Other options:

  • scammers report a “problem with your account”;
  • scammers offer a link to download a VPN program;
  • scammers offer a link to some document (but it is an executable file with malicious content);
  • scammers offer a link to the “form” where you can leave a detailed request in order to create a support ticket;
  • scammers offer a link to participate in the raffle, to receive a bonus, and so on;
  • scammers offer any other link, even to official websites and documents.

What to pay attention to:

  • check the sender’s profile. Errors in the name (such as “Veles-Support”, “VelesSuport” instead of the real “VelesSupport”) and the inscription “BLOCK” will mean that a fake account is writing to you;
  • The official Veles Community EN is a group, that is, a community channel with many thousands of members, and not a private chat.

How to protect yourself:

  • write to the official support chat first (, add it to your Contacts;
  • ask for advice from the community (;
  • reject all the calls, even in the Telegram (in a live conversation, the risk of losing control and being led by scammers increases);
  • ignore any links, even if they look safe.
    Because the “safe link” may not lead to the address you see.
    For example: is not sending Veles Help now, as it should seem.
  • remember that fake “Support” can have many faces.
    For example, in one conversation, an access code is lured out, but the conversation is interrupted. Another “Support” immediately writes to user: “Suspicious activity found on your account, call us at the number…”.
    Do not use these numbers and addresses, look for official contact information!

3. The user participates in schemes for “quick earnings in the crypto”

The user writes to the chat on any topic. Soon, other decent-looking users send to him some direct messages (!). They start a conversation about cryptocurrencies, about life, about trading and training, more about life, about other ways of earning money, share some success stories, mention a limited offer, a closed group, where a place for a good person may be still allocated, and so on.

The first attempts to work according to the proposed scheme may even be successful – this is a bait. But the result is always the same: some regular transfer of funds does not reach the address, and “dear partners” disappear from the radar.

How to protect yourself:

  • don’t believe those who have come to give you a recipe for success;
  • ask the community for advice on what kind of scheme you have been offered;
  • don’t waste your time – scammers aren’t worth it, and the risk of losing control of the situation increases. End the useless dialogue, it is better to spend time with your family.

4. Friends or relatives request to transfer funds

All requests for help (to borrow money) coming from your saved contacts (friends and relatives) need to be checked nowadays. Not everyone manages to keep control of their credentials.

How to defend yourself

  • If a message from an acquaintance seems suspicious, check with her/him through two other communication channels whether she/he really sent this request (since her/his account could have been hacked).

General recommendations

  • Passwords to multiple services should be complex and should not be re-used at the same time. Learn how to use password manager applications that will make it easier for you to follow this rule.
  • If you spend a lot of time on the Internet, study the rules of digital hygiene, keep an eye on the topic.
  • New methods of fraud are constantly appearing, and it is advisable to follow the news in order to have time to learn how to protect yourself, as well as warn your family and friends.

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